What's NEWS
Administrator's Page

Now for the fun part, let us show you how easy it is to administer your news.

Using our What's NEWS, you can add/edit/delete news items. Once logged in you will see the admin screen to the right. From the drop-down list(1) you may either select "add new" or "edit an existing item". Insert your title(2) to be displayed on the summary view. By selecting your start date(3) you determine when exactly the news item will appear on your web site. By entering an end date(4), the news item will become inactive and no longer display. It won't be deleted, just changed to inactive. You may re-activate simply by changing the dates.

The summary field(5) will display a brief explanation about your news item and will display on the summary view as discussed earlier. The content(6) is where the details of your news item will go. This is what the visitor sees once he clicks on the link in the summary view.

If the visitor may benefit by going to another page or web site to learn more about your news item, inserting a link(7) will get them there.

As a reminder, you can upload a thumbnail image(8) to be displayed on the summary view and a full size image(9) to be displayed on the detail view. Simply browse your local drives and upload. Be mindful of resolution and size as your visitors will need to be able to access these images.

Add your new news item or update an existing one and you are done. Your news items will display on your web site in chronological order according to start date.

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